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19 September 2024
Celje, Slovenia
Connect2Slovenia - International Matchmaking Event 2024
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Open until 17 September 2024


Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia
Enterprise Europe Network Slovenia

Edina Babnik
T. +386 1 58 30 586
E. edina.babnik@ozs.si
W. www.ozs.si

Advantage Austria Ljubljana

Maja Ikovic
T. +386 1 513 97 77
E. ljubljana@advantageaustria.org
W. www.advantageaustria.org


    The Slovene Enterprise Europe Network consortium:

    • Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia
    • Jožef Stefan Institute
    • The Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor
    • University of Maribor, Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office
    • The Centre for Development and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management
    • Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation, Foreign Investment and Technology

    Other partners:

    • Economic Chamber of North Macedonia
    • Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (N. Macedonia)
    • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Csongrád-Csanád (Hungary)

    Members the New Alpe Adria Network (NAAN)

    Fairground, Dečkova cesta 1
    3000 Celje, Slovenia
    Organised by
    Participants 68
    Meetings 144
    Slovenia 58
    Austria 7
    Croatia 6
    Spain 2
    Poland 2
    Hungary 1
    Bulgaria 1
    Montenegro 1
    Kazakhstan 1
    North Macedonia 1
    Italy 1
    Germany 1
    Romania 1
    Czech Republic 1
    Ukraine 1
    Total 85
    Manufacturer 21
    Supplier services 16
    Consultant 8
    Start up 7
    Other 7
    Supplier components 6
    Institution 6
    Association/Agency 5
    Retailer / Wholesaler 3
    Research 3
    Authority/Govermment 1
    Commercial Agent 1
    Total 84